What Is Area56 Preteen Ministry

Area 56 is the 5th and 6th ministry of FBLex. Our goal is to offer a dynamic environment for students that will leave a lasting imprint and nurture a love and desire for Jesus in their lives. We want our students to have a solid identity and a place of belonging. A safe place where they can gather with friends and be themselves. When working with pre-teens having fun is a given!! We work hard to make all learning experiences focussed and on point all within a fun and exciting environment.

We have four on-going attendance opportunities for our students - all offering a unique and exciting spin on learning about Jesus!! Did we mention "Fun" yet? There is always more than enough to go around!!


meets Sunday at 9:00am - 10:15am.
"Ignite" is a starting point for conversations about Jesus and how he interacts in our lives. A large group teaching time as well as genderized small groups are offered during this hour.


meets Sunday at 10:30 am - 11:45 am.
"Fusion" brings the conversations and teachings from "Ignite" into a worship service experience geared for pre-teens.


meets on Wednesday at 6:30pm - 8:00pm"
"Gravity" is where students are encouraged to have a life grounded in biblical truth through discipleship. "Gravity" follows the school calendar and breaks during the Summer months.