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Join us for our Online Experience
(Updated May 20, 2020)

Join us for our Online Experience
(Updated april 29, 2020)

Here it is the end of April and we continue to social distance and shelter at home. As the SC governor lifts some of the restrictions and folks begin to return to work, we are praying and planning to open the worship center for those who are comfortable coming together. We recognize that some of our older friends will need to take extra precautions (and may not feel comfortable gathering together), as will those with young children. We will continue our online services so all who wish to worship may do so.

 Once we “re-open” we will only put out approximately 150 chairs to allow social distancing. We are putting together a checklist of guidelines to keep folks safe. We will begin with a worship only service (no preschool or children’s ministry) and folks will worship as a family (crayons and coloring sheets will be made available for the kids). We are still considering when our first Sunday back will be (but I’ve been praying and hoping May 31st, Pentecost Sunday might be the day.) As we monitor the situation, we will provide additional information.

 As for now, I hope you are being encouraged by our daily devotions on Facebook Live and catching the Sunday service and Wednesday Bible study, as well as all the helpful resources our preschool, children and student ministries are putting out. We encourage our small groups to connect through Zoom or whatever platform you find most beneficial.

 In closing, we do have a couple church members that have come down with Covid-19. One couple has gone through two weeks of sickness and are now being released by their doctor to return to work. Another lady is fighting through the virus as we speak. Let’s continue to pray for one another and be ready to assist those who need help.

 Be still and trust in God!

 Pastor Ralph

Join us for our Online Experience
(Updated March 30, 2020)

The Covid -19 continues to be a threat both physically and financially to some. We are following the guidelines of our governmental authorities all the while finding unique ways to minister through social media, phone calls and text messages. We will continue this course of action and we desire to be there for those who need us in the area.  If you have a need, you can let us know by….. describe and we will do our best to assist. 

I encourage you with a thought from the Apostle Paul: Philippians 1:12 ‘And I want you to know dear brothers and sisters, that everything that has happened to me here has happened to spread the Good News.’ Let us pray that the Gospel would spread throughout our community and around the world. 

Join us for our Online Experience
(Updated March 16, 2020)

First Baptist Lexington Family, our Leadership Team has been in constant discussion and prayer regarding COVID-19 and in light of the recommendations from our President and our Governor to postpone large gatherings, here is our immediate course of action: 

  • Effective immediately all large gatherings on our campus are cancelled. 

  • This includes all Sunday services, mid-week events, and other ministry activities until further notice. 

What is the plan for Sunday and what is our responsibility? 

  • Join us this Sunday online at 9:00AM. You can watch at 9:00 AM on Facebook or Vimeo.

  • Continue to give. First Baptist Lexington is a generous church and we want to demonstrate our faith by giving in this time of crisis. So that we are ready to assist others and continue ministry, we are grateful for the generosity of those who make giving a priority. If you normally give on Sunday morning, you can continue your faithful support of God’s work through FBLex in the following ways: mail your check to FBLex (415 Barr Road, Lexington, SC 29072) or utilize our online giving platform.

  • With crisis comes responsibility, we are available to help those in our church and community who are older or have health concerns (Call 803-957-0686).

Let’s not be overcome by fear, but demonstrate faith in God. He is with us and He will guide us. Let’s be the church in a world of uncertainty.