FBLex Group Description Form
Welcome to the FBLex Group Ministry Description Form. This form helps us list your group ministry properly. Please fill out the form to be listed on any of these pages:
Life Groups
Home Groups
Leaders! - We need your updated pictures for the description pages. Please help us by either providing an updated picture or by coming to the main office and having us take one for you. Please contact scheri@fblex.org to submit your picture or for scheduling or details.
All form fields must be filled to submit this form, so please complete this form entirely.
* What kind of group:
Life Group
Home Group
* Please add a one-sentence description about your group:
* Outreach Ministry:
* Please tell us a little about your Outreach Ministry:
* Assigned Missionaries:
* Location:
* Time:
* Current Study:
* Led by:
* E-mail:
Facebook or other relevant link:
Additional Information: