Middle School After School
No longer must you worry about your children while you're at work, nor worry about how you're going to shuttle them around town for practices, lessons, and classes once you get off work! We're offering an After School Program that is dedicated to offering your child excellent enrichment opportunities in 6 vital areas:
Skill (Life)
With the best staff/student ratio you could hope for, adults dedicated to loving your child fully, and a foundation of faith laid in everything that is done, you will want to register your child for this program!
Our days and hours of operation are as follows:
Regular Operation Days - Pick Up from school to 6 PM
Early Release Days - Pick Up from school to 6 PM
Spring Break/ Christmas Break Weeks - 7:15 AM - 6 PM
Our program picks up from these Lexington schools:
Lexington Middle School
Pleasant Hill Middle School
Beechwood Middle School
For more information call the church office at 957-0686.
You can also reach our Director Kelly Wyatt at kelly@fblex.org or 957-0686 ext. 123.
Our rates are among the very best in Lexington:
Annual Registration Fee - $50.00 for the school year (non refundable)
Weekly Tuition - $50
Special Full Days (Presidents Day, teacher work days, etc) - additional $10/day
Full Weeks (Spring Break, Christmas Break) - $100
Click HERE to pay registration and/or tuition fees. (Enter amount to pay, and select fund from drop down menu)
Click HERE to register for Middle School After School
For answers to questions concerning this form, registation or this program, please call or email Kelly Wyatt, Afterschool Director at 803-957-0686 ext. 1021 or kelly@fblex.org