REcovery Recharge

July-September 2021


September 24

This week on Recovery Recharge, Jessica talks about the importance of vulnerability in recovery.


September 16

This week on Recovery Recharge, Paul talks about how we should care for others, but we need to understand we can't fix others.


September 10

This week on Recovery Recharge, Dan shares his thoughts on how important it is for us to keep our emotional volume low so we can deal with the daily stresses that everyone goes through.


September 3

This week on Recovery Recharge, Debbie shares her thoughts on Jesus' encounter with Samaritan woman at the well.


August 27

This week on Recovery Recharge, Jessica talks about God's ever present faithfulness during the chaos that surrounds us.


August 20

This week on Recovery Recharge, Paul talks about the power of listening.


August 13

This week on Recovery Recharge, Jessica talks about waiting, and waiting on God.


July 30

This week on Recovery Recharge, Paul talks about Interdependence.


July 23

This week on Recovery Recharge, Sandy comes to us live at the CR Summit.


July 16

This week on Recovery Recharge, Mark shares a quick message on the topic of Sticks and Stones.


July 2

This week on Recovery Recharge, Jessica shares a devotion from The Way of Abundance.