
Flashpoint is a program designed to for junior high and high school students in our church and community who are struggling with life's hurts, habits or hang-ups. It includes a developmentally appropriate curriculum which mirrors the content presented in the Celebrate Recovery program. A typical session at Flashpoint includes:

  • CONNECT TIME - Breaking the ice and making everyone feel welcome

  • WORSHIP TIME - Experiences and music built around the weekly theme

  • TEACHING TIME - Learning experiences, biblical truths, discussion

  • VIDEO TIME - Every other lesson features an engaging video segment

  • SMALL GROUPS - Peer group discussion time

  • CLOSING - A creative summary, prayer, and lesson application

  • CONNECT TIME - Opportunity to hang out and build healthy friendships


Flashpoint meets on most Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 PM in Modular 5.

For more information, contact Whitney Hutto at (803) 240-1813.